I can give you a test item on how to upload the amount of token0and
token1from uniswap v3 to Javascript using the UNISWAP library.
Purchase of the amounts of tokens from the Uniswap pool
UNISWAP V3 provides API to get information about chip hips, including the quantities held in the pool. In this article, we will go through how to use auniswap.v3.pool object to obtain ‘token’ and token1Uniswap V3 pool.
Before you start, make sure you have the following installed addictions:
NPM Install Uniswap-JS
Example of code
Const {
} = requires (‘uniswap-js’);
The function async getpooltokeenamounts () {
// set an instance of API API V3 V3
Constn it = New Uniswapv3intterface ({
Supplier: ‘ // replace the ID ID Project Project Project Project project project
Apikey: “Youpi_api_KEy”,
// Create a Pool object for a specified fund (eg Pool Testin V3 Uniswap V3)
Const pool = acait api.getpool (‘0x …’); // replace the background address
Try {
// get the sum token0 and token1 from the pool
Const token0amount = wait pool.getbalanceof (‘token0’);
Const token1amount = wait pool.getbalanceof (‘token1’);
Return {token0amount, token1amount};
} Catch (error) {
Console.error (error);
Turn null;
// Example of use:
GetpoolTokeneamounts (). then ((results) => {
IF (results) {
Const {token0amount, token1amount} = results;
Console.log (sum token0: $ {token0amount}
Console.log (sum token1: $ {token1amount
In this example of code:
Tips for troubleshoot
If you are experiencing problems with this code you get token amounts, there are some troubleshooting tips:
As a result of this article, you should be able to load the amount of token0 and token1 from uniswap v3 in javascripts. If you have any problems or have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask!
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